Emeritus Technology Support and Services

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Emeritus Technology Support and Services

Emeriti receive several benefits, including a Cal Poly email account. Please see the services and administrative policies listed below for the current information technology benefit offerings.

Emeritus must contact Human Resources to change their name & address in the My Cal Poly portal.





Service Desk

The Service Desk can help you with Cal Poly service-related issues. For example, getting connected to your Cal Poly email or using Office 365. For all other support, such as issues with your operating system or non-Cal Poly applications, consider contacting local computer support companies.

Email account & Microsoft Office 365

Emeritus and CSU bargaining units 5, 6 and 11 are no longer eligible to download the desktop Microsoft Office software suite (which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook and OneNote)

Emeritus OneDrive account storage is reduced from 5TB to 100GB.
How to View OneDrive Storage You Have Used

Antivirus (Sophos Home)

Sophos offers a free version that you can download from sophos.com/en-us/products/free-tools.aspx. Or you can contact your Internet Service Provider (ISP) to see if they offer free antivirus software. (e.g. Spectrum provides a Security Suite free to their customers)

Password Management (LastPass)

LastPass offers a free version of their password management application that you can sign up for here: Create account | LastPass

Multi-Factor Authentication (Duo)

Cal Poly uses the Duo multi-factor authentication (MFA) app to verify the identities of students, faculty and staff when logging in to any web-based technology service that requires a Cal Poly username and password. Duo can also be used for other third-party websites like Linked In.


When a person’s status changes to emeritus, there’s a 30-day window before their Zoom License Changes from Licensed to Basic.

  Campus Administrative Policies

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