How To Install Pantone Connect (Plugin for Adobe Apps)

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How To Install Pantone Connect (Plugin for Adobe Apps)

Pantone Connect offers free and premium versions of the plugin for use with Adobe applications.

  • Before you install Pantone Connect, make sure that you have installed the Adobe application you plan to use it with.
    For example, if you are installing the extension for Adobe Photoshop, install Photoshop first.

  • Fees related to the premium version may be purchased and paid for by departments and are not provided by the University.

  • Questions and support related to the Pantone Connect plugin should be directed to support@pantone.com.

To Install Pantone Connect

  1. Create a Pantone Connect account here: https://www.pantone.com/pantone-connect.

  2. If open, close your Adobe applications. (ie Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign).

  3. Go to https://exchange.adobe.com/apps/cc/103029/pantone-connect, click Sign In, and log in using your Cal Poly Portal credentials.

  4. Click Free Accept and Continue.

  5. Launch and sign into the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop app.

  6. Go to Stock & Marketplace > Plugins > Manage plugins.

  7. Click Install for the Pantone Connect plugin.

  8. Click OK on the confirmation screen.

  9. Launch your Adobe application (ie Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign).

  10. In the Adobe application, go to Window>Extensions>Pantone Connect.

  11. Sign in with your PANTONE CONNECT email and password - NOT your Cal Poly Portal credentials.

If required, upgrade to Premium or start a 7-day free trial within the app for more features. This add-in has an approved campus security review (ICT), so department Pro-Cards may be used to purchase Pantone Connect subscriptions.