Fusion, JAWS, and ZoomText Installation

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Fusion, JAWS, and ZoomText Installation

Two concurrent installations of Fusion are permitted on personal machines.

Fusion is an accessibility tool combining ZoomText (screen magnification) and JAWS (screen reading functionality). It’s designed for users with vision impairments and offers a seamless experience for navigation, document creation, and web usage.

Installation for Cal Poly Managed Devices, FACULTY & STAFF

Faculty and staff can install JAWS, ZoomText, or Fusion on their state computers via Software Center on PC or Self Service on Mac.

Installation Steps for STUDENTS

  1. Students, faculty, and staff can install JAWS, ZoomText, or Fusion on their personal computers via this site. Enter your email to confirm that you qualify, and then select Continue to registration.



  2. Register using your @calpoly.edu email address.




  1. Check your email for a verification link and complete the registration.


  2. After confirming, select Activate this computer to complete setup.


If you install one of the software titles, but then wish to install a different one, follow these steps:

  1. Uninstall the software from your device.

  2. Then return to your account and click Activate this computer to prompt the choice of download again. (e.g. Product is Fusion Home Annual, but you still are given the option to download JAWS, ZoomText, or Fusion.)

  3. Select a different software to download.

  4. Complete the installation on your device.


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