Multi-Factor Authentication (Duo)

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Multi-Factor Authentication (Duo)

MFA is required on all Cal Poly students, faculty, staff, and emeriti accounts. Need help getting set up?

Cal Poly uses the Duo multi-factor authentication (MFA) app to verify the identities of students, faculty and staff when logging in to any web-based technology service that requires a Cal Poly username and password. MFA, also referred to as two-step verification, or two-factor authentication (2FA), adds another layer of protection to sensitive information, which makes it much more difficult for unauthorized entities to gain access. Duo authenticates users' identities in two ways—with something they know (username and password) and something they have (mobile device, landline, token, security key, or Touch ID).


  • Allow Popups and watch for them during the setup.

  • Choose Duo Mobile as the first form and Face/Touch ID as the second form.

  • Don’t set up Face/Touch ID as your first form of authentication.

If you’ve already set up Face/Touch ID as your first form of authentication here’s how you can change that:



  1. Enroll your primary device using Duo multi-factor authentication, usually with a mobile device using the Duo Mobile app.

  2. Add a secondary device, like a landline.

  3. Now you can authenticate using Duo.

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Service Details


New students are prompted to set up their account during the application process and retain their account through their time as a student at Cal Poly.

A Cal Poly account is provided to staff and faculty when their relationship with campus begins, and expires when their relationship ends. Human Resources and Academic Personnel coordinates the process.

For more information about getting a Cal Poly account, read the Get a New Account or Make Changes to an Existing Account article. For more information about account expiration, read the Account Expiration and Extension article.



For students, faculty and staff, this service is made possible through Cal Poly funds, no additional charges. Guest accounts cost $4.17 per month and are paid for by the Cal Poly department that is sponsoring the guest.


  • Students

  • Faculty

  • Staff

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More Info

Locked Account

If you recently changed your password, remember to update it on all of your devices, specifically in your email, WiFi, and browser settings. For more info read the Password Help article.

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