Set up Outlook or Mac/iOS Mail Clients

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Set up Outlook or Mac/iOS Mail Clients

Use Microsoft 365 Outlook or Mac/iOS client to access your Cal Poly email and calendar.

To access Outlook using your browser, log in to the My Cal Poly Portal > My Apps Email & Calendar.

Outlook for Windows

Install Office (Desktop) from Office 365, then follow these instructions:

If you are having an issue connecting to your Cal Poly email and calendar, it is recommended that you backup your data and follow these steps from Microsoft to delete your account. Then, follow the instructions below to re-add your account.

STEP 1 | Open the Outlook desktop app. An Outlook connection dialog box should appear.

STEP 2 | Enter your Cal Poly email address. Click the Connect button. A Cal Poly portal login box should appear.

STEP 3 | Enter your Cal Poly username and password. Click the Login button. A Duo Multi-Factor Authentication selection dialog box should appear.

STEP 4 | Choose your preferred authentication method to complete on your enrolled mobile device. An Account Successfully added message should appear.

STEP 5 | Click the Done button.

NOTE: If this is the first time using an Office 365 app on your computer, you will be asked to complete the Office Activation by signing in with your Cal Poly credentials before using Outlook. When given the choice, be sure to select the “Work or school account” option to activate.

Outlook for Mac

Install Office (Desktop) from Office 365, then follow these instructions:

If you are having an issue connecting to your Cal Poly email and calendar, it is recommended that you follow these steps from Microsoft to delete your account. Then, follow the instructions below to re-add your account.

STEP 1 | Open Microsoft Outlook. You may be prompted to “Go Online” to activate.

STEP 2 | Click Tools from the top menu bar.

STEP 3 | Click the Add Email Account or + button > New Account…

STEP 4 | Type your Cal Poly email address, then click Continue. Select the Work or school account option if prompted.

STEP 5 | Enter your Cal Poly username and password, then click Login. A Duo Multi-Factor Authentication selection dialog box should appear.

STEP 6 | Choose your preferred authentication method to complete on your enrolled mobile device. An Office 365 account has been added message should appear.

STEP 7 | Click Done. Close the Accounts dialog box and you are now ready to use Outlook on your Mac.

Outlook for iOS

If you are having an issue connecting to your Cal Poly email and calendar, it is recommended that you remove your account:

  1. Open the Outlook App and tap your Profile Icon located in the top left corner.

  2. Tap the Gear Icon located in the bottom left corner and select your Office 365 account under Mail Accounts.

  3. Scroll down, tap Delete Account, then tap Delete.

  4. Then, follow the instructions below to re-add your account.

If you're unable to remove the account, you may need to delete the Outlook App and Configuration Profile. then follow the steps below.

STEP 1 | Download Outlook for iOS and then open it.

STEP 2 | Enter your Cal Poly email address and tap Add Account. You may be prompted at this time to authenticate using your Cal Poly login and Duo Multi-Factor Authentication.

STEP 3 | A screen should appear asking if you would like to add another account. Tap Maybe Later.

STEP 4 | You are now ready to use the Outlook App on your iOS device.

Outlook for Android

We’ll let the experts explain this one.

Visit Microsoft's Set up email in the Outlook for Android app page, under Set up work/school accounts that have additional requirements > If you connect to an on-premises Exchange server.

Mac Mail

If you are having an issue connecting to your Cal Poly email and calendar, go to Apple Menu > System Preferences > Internet Accounts, click on your Cal Poly account, and click the Minus button to delete your account. Then, follow the instructions below to re-add your account.

STEP 1 | Go to the Apple Menu, then click System Preferences.

STEP 2 | Click Internet Accounts.

STEP 3 | Click Microsoft Exchange.

STEP 4 | Enter your name and Cal Poly email address. Click Sign In. Select the Work or school account option if prompted.

STEP 5 | Enter your Cal Poly username and password. Click Login. A Duo Multi-Factor Authentication selection dialog box should appear.

STEP 6 | Choose your preferred authentication method to complete on your enrolled mobile device.

STEP 7 | Select the apps you want to use with your account, then click DoneYour account is now set up.

STEP 8 | Open the Mail app to view your Cal Poly email. If you chose to sync your calendar, open the Calendar App to view your Cal Poly calendar.

NOTE: It may take several minutes before your emails appear while your data syncs from the server.

iOS Mail

If you are having an issue connecting to your Cal Poly email and calendar, go to Settings Mail > Accounts, tap on your Cal Poly account, and tap Delete Account. Then, follow the instructions below to re-add your account.

STEP 1 | Go to Settings Mail > Accounts > Add Account

STEP 2 | Tap Microsoft Exchange

STEP 3 | Enter your Cal Poly email address and a Description (the default is Exchange). Tap Next

STEP 4 | Tap Sign In. Select the Work or school account option if prompted.

STEP 5 | Enter your Cal Poly username and password. Tap Login. A Duo Multi-Factor Authentication selection dialog box should appear.

STEP 6 | Choose your preferred authentication method to complete on your enrolled mobile device.

STEP 7 | Choose the content you want to sync, then tap Save. Your account is now added.

STEP 8 | Open the Mail app to view your Cal Poly email. If you choose to sync your calendar, open the Calendar App to view your Cal Poly calendar.

NOTE: It may take several minutes before your emails appear while your data syncs from the server.


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