IP Phone - Troubleshooting

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IP Phone - Troubleshooting

Occasionally IP Phones are not in the anticipated/default setup state and they need to be fixed before they can be setup. If your IP Phone matches any of the situations below, click on the topic to view the possible solution.

If your phone has Not Configured showing on the LED screen, that means that it is past the initial login screen. A reboot usually fixes that issue.

IP Phone display screen. Not Configured is highlighted in red.

Here's how to reboot an IP Phone:

  1. Press on the Settings button, located below the volume control on your IP Phone.

    Settings button on the IP Phone highlighted in red.
  2. Once it finishes rebooting, it should show “User” on the LED screen.

  3. The IP Phone is now ready to log in to with a Cal Poly extension.

If your extension/phone number has the same number twice in a row (for example 66754) you must wait for a second between typing the 6 twice or it will think you are typing a letter… (6 is also M)

Refer to the Voicemail Reference Guide and Quick Reference Guide link below for help with various voicemail features.

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