Password Change Re-Sync on a Cal Poly-Owned Mac

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Password Change Re-Sync on a Cal Poly-Owned Mac

When you change your Cal Poly password your Cal Poly-Owned Mac password doesn't automatically update to match your Cal Poly Portal password on MacOS. Here you’ll learn how to get those passwords re-synced.

  1. After changing your Cal Poly password, If you're not on campus, connect to the Virtual Private Network (VPN).

  2. From the menu bar, click the key icon , then click Sign Out, Sign In, or Quit.
    The key icon may take up to five minutes to appear (opening Applications > Nomad can make the key appear [in the menu] faster.)

  3. A dialog box will automatically pop up, enter your Cal Poly username (do not include @calpoly.edu) and new Cal Poly password. Click the Sign In button.


  4. The NoMAD Sync dialog box should appear. Enter your current Mac password in the blank field and click the Sync button.

    NoMAD Sync Dialog box with text 'The password on this Mac ans you Cal Poly password are out of sync. Please enter the password you were previously using to sign into this Mac'. Highlighted button 'Sync'.
  5. Your computer's password is now the same as your new Cal Poly password.

Your password may not update immediately. If you are unable to sync your new Cal Poly password and your computer password, wait an hour and try again.

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