Transfer Mobile Service from a State to Personal Phone

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Transfer Mobile Service from a State to Personal Phone

With campus department management approval, State employees may transition their assigned Cal Poly mobile number to their personal mobile phone.

EXCEPTION: Terminated employees are not eligible to keep their Cal Poly mobile phone numbers when separating from the university per Human Resources. 


  1. Telephone Coordinators submit a New Mobile Phone or Service Change request.

  2. The ITS Service Desk will notify the telephone coordinator and employee via email when the mobile phone number is available for assumption of liability.

  3. The employee needs to call the cellular service provider to finalize the establishment of their new account:

    1. Verizon Wireless   800-922-0204

  • There can not be one or more months of charges for the Cal Poly mobile phone appearing on the departments' telephone bill. It is the responsibility of the department, working with the employee, to reconcile any charges for the Cal Poly mobile phone, appearing on the departments' telephone bill, and identifying payment method.

  • Mobile service providers may require a credit check to initiate the new account and will offer consulting about personal rate plans.

  • If eligible for an equipment upgrade, a device may be ordered on the new account and shipped based on the new contact information. This may also be accomplished at a Verizon retail store after the new account is in place.

  • Mobile devices purchased on the Cal Poly government account with State funds are State property. If an employee is leaving Cal Poly employment, a new phone must be purchased during the transfer process and the old device returned to the department. The department may keep the device and re-purpose it to another department member, retain it as a "back-up" phone, or surplus the property via Cal Poly Facilities Management & Development.

  • All sensitive data must be removed from the device before it is reused or given to Facilities.

  • IMPORTANT: University mobile numbers that are removed from the Cal Poly Verizon Wireless Account are no longer the property of Cal Poly and are returned to the carrier's pool of numbers. Therefore per Verizon's policy, mobile numbers are not available for reactivation and return to our government account. 

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