Recommended Computer Models
Faculty and staff must order from our price-negotiated recommended computers through CSUBUY.
View a list of Recommended Computer Peripherals and learn how to Order Recommended Computers and Peripherals.
Model | Image | Name | CCR Eligible | Specs | Cost | Notes | Vendor Links |
A |
| $1,307 | Classic Windows desktop machine, built with specifications to run all Cal Poly-supported programs and features. | ||
B |
| X |
| $2,090 | Laptop designed for portability with built in touch and drawing features. Comes with a Dell stylus to take full advantage of the touch screen. | |
C |
| X |
| $2,229 | High-end Windows laptop with a dedicated video card for extra performance in a 14" screen design. | |
D |
| X |
| $2,428 | High-end Windows laptop with a dedicated video card for extra performance in a 16" screen design. | |
E |
| $1,610 | A budget-friendly laptop offering ideal for office use where graphics resources are not a priority | |
F |
| $750 | A budget-friendly mini desktop offering ideal for office use where graphics resources are not a priority | |
G |
| $2,153 | A high-end research machine that can be customized for your high-performance needs on campus. | |
H |
| X |
| $2,236 | Apple's classic laptop offering, the 14" MacBook Pro offers a lot of computing power in a small package. | |
I |
| X |
| $2,734 | Apple's flagship 16" laptop with an upgraded processor and video capabilities | |
J |
| X |
| $1687 | All-in-one Apple device ideal for every day use and multiple user environments. | |
K |
| $870 | A budget-friendly mini desktop offering suitable for every day tasks. | |
L |
| $1,426 | A budget-friendly small and lightweight laptop designed for use on the go or where hardware resources are not a priority. | |
M |
| $2,265 | A high-end research machine that can be customized for your high-performance needs on campus. |
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