Best Practices When Taking Your Computer Away From Campus

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Best Practices When Taking Your Computer Away From Campus

The information below is designed to help your Cal Poly computer maintain functionality and security while away from campus (off-campus work, sabbatical, travel, et al.)

Use GlobalProtect to connect to Cal Poly’s Virtual Private Network (VPN). Using the VPN will add an extra layer of protection by guaranteeing your network traffic is encrypted and will allow you to access sites and services that might normally be blocked otherwise. VPN is required for password changes.

If you plan to log into Cal Poly services while traveling (Cal Poly Portal, Microsoft Outlook, etc.) submit a ticket that lists your international destinations and dates you plan to be at each. The Cal Poly Information Security Office will flag your account, so it’s not locked when those login attempts are detected.

Submit and receive an approved Authorization for Off-Campus Use of Cal Poly Property form for the computer. Keep the approved form with the device. Please check with your department leadership if they have any internal policies.

Restart your workstation at least once a week. Your system automatically checks for updates. Major operating system updates will be announced by a pop-up window. You can defer these updates for a limited amount of time. If you decide to do the update, make sure to restart the computer before starting it as this helps allow the update to be installed.

If your password is scheduled to expire while you are away from campus, we recommend you change your password at least one week before you leave.

Other helpful links:

For any other help or questions about your time away from campus, please submit a support request ticket.

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