Setup Cal Poly Assist (for macOS)

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Setup Cal Poly Assist (for macOS)

Cal Poly Assist is a new remote support tool used to improve the speed and reliability of our support services.  Due to heightened security protocols on Apple macOS devices, there are some manual steps customers must complete once the software has been installed.

For any questions, contact the ITS Service Desk.


  1. Click the Request Access… button located on the left side, under the Screen Recording section.

    Cal Poly Assist. Review System Access. Screen Recording. Request Access button is highlighted


  2. Click Open System Preferences/Settings.

    Screen Recording. 'connectwisecontrol-..' Open System Preferences button is highlighted


  3. Scroll down and click on Screen Recording, then check the empty box next to the icon with the green squares named connectwise…

    Security and Privacy. Screen Recoding is highlighted and clicked. connectwise... is checked and highlighted


  4. Click Quit & Reopen to finish the process

'connectwisecontrol-..' quit and reopen button is highlighted


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