Can't Connect to Adobe Creative Cloud (Acrobat)

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Can't Connect to Adobe Creative Cloud (Acrobat)


"I can't connect to Adobe Creative Cloud."

"Adobe Acrobat won't open or isn't working or is telling me the product is not licensed."

I'm getting one of these error messages:

  • “We are unable to activate Creative Cloud”

  • “Sorry, something went wrong”

  • “Unable to reach Adobe servers”

  • "Your request could not be completed Adobe Acrobat license has either expired or not been activated. Try launching Adobe Acrobat.”


If you received this "Your request could not be completed Adobe Acrobat license has either expired or not been activated. Try launching Adobe Acrobat.” error message, follow Adobe's End the acrotray.exe process using the Task Manager instructions.

1. Log Out and Back into Adobe Creative Cloud

  1. Launch Adobe Creative Cloud.

  2. From the profile menu (upper right circle icon), click Sign out.

  3. Click the profile menu icon again to sign in to your Adobe account. 

    1. If using Acrobat, you may be prompted to enter your Cal Poly email address and password a second time.

  4. Check to see if the issue is resolved. Move to Step 2 if it is not.


2. Run Adobe’s AcroCleaner Tool and Reinstall Acrobat

You will need administrative access or “elevated rights” to run AcroCleaner on your device

  1. Run Adobe’s AcroCleaner tool.

    1. Click here for the Windows AcroCleaner

    2. Click here for the Mac AcroCleaner

  2. Once complete, restart your device.

  3. Install Adobe Acrobat DC from Software Center (University managed Windows devices) or Self Service (University managed MacOs devices).

This issue might reoccur when Adobe pushes a new software update. If it does, follow these same steps to reconnect Creative Cloud licensing.


If you need help, submit a General Help request and let us know what errors you are receiving and what solutions you’ve attempted.

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