Color Print on a Konica Minolta Printer

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Color Print on a Konica Minolta Printer

Learn how to color print on a campus Konica Minolta printer.


To print using Account Track on a Mac, you must print from the built-in Mac print dialog box. Some programs have their own print dialog boxes which will NOT work with Account Track, so you will need to know how to access Mac print dialog box for certain applications.

  1. After opening your file, select the Command + P keys on your keyboard. Click the Printer button.

    Print pop-up. Printer button is highlighted


  2. Click the Yes button.

    Acrobat Pro DC pop-up. 'The Print Setup dialog box is provided by the operating systems. To ensure that you can use the full print capabilities of Acrobat Pro DC, please set all print options from the Application print dialog box. Do you want to continue'. Yes button is highlighted


  3. If you've set up a Color Printing preset, select it, then click the Print button. If you haven't, in the drop-down menu, select Quality.

  4. Under Select Color, choose Auto Color.

  5. Click the Print button.

    Color printing preset for Acrobat window
  1. Press the Command + P keys on your keyboard to bring up the print screen.  Click on "Print using system dialog..." as shown in the picture to the right.  This will then bring up the Mac print dialog box.

    Print menu. 'Print using system dialog..' is highlighted


  2. If you've saved a Color Printing preset, select it, then click the Print button. If you haven't, in the drop-down menu, select Quality.

  3. Under Select Color, choose Auto Color.

  4. Click the Print button.

    Color printing preset for Acrobat window


  1. Select the Ctrl + P keys on your keyboard.

  2. Click on the Printer Properties link.

    Printer Properties is highlighted


  3. Under My Tab go to the Select Color drop-down menu.

  4. Select Auto Color

  5. Click the OK button, then the Print button to print.

    Konica Printer Minolta pop-up. 'My Tab' is highlighted. Ok button is highlighted
  1. Select the Ctrl + P keys on your keyboard. Click the Properties button.

    Print pop-up. Properties button is higlighted


  2. Under My Tab go to the Select Color drop-down menu.

  3. Select Auto Color

  4. Click the OK button, then the Print button to print.

    Konica Printer Minolta pop-up. 'My Tab' is highlighted. Ok button is highlighted
  1. Select the Ctrl + P keys on your keyboard. Click on the "Print using system dialog..." link.

    'Print using system dialog...' is highlighted


  2. Make sure the correct printer is selected and click the Preferences button.

    'KONICA MINOLTA' is highlighted. Preferences button is highlihgted


  3. Under My Tab go to the Select Color drop-down menu.

  4. Select Auto Color

  5. Click the OK button, then the Print button to print.

    Konica Printer Minolta pop-up. 'My Tab' is highlighted. Ok button is highlighted

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