Password Management (LastPass)
Cal Poly students, faculty and staff are eligible for a LastPass account. LastPass is a password management tool that securely stores and generates passwords. It helps protect all your online accounts and lets you seamlessly log in with just a single master password. Multi-Factor Authentication (Duo) FAQ is required when using LastPass.
How you download and install LastPass varies depending on if you are a student or faculty and staff.
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Service Details
You must be enrolled in Multi-Factor Authentication (Duo) before setting up a LastPass account.
Made possible through Cal Poly funds, no additional charges.
More Info
LastPass subscriptions are renewed annually. Each year in order to renew their accounts, students will be prompted to enter their Cal Poly username and password confirming they are still a student. If a student graduates while their annual subscription is still active, their information will remain in LastPass. Once the subscription ends, they will have the option to pay for their premium account or downgrade to a free account.