Get Started with Digital Signage

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Get Started with Digital Signage

Learn how to implement digital signage in your department or building.

The overall process involves…

  1. Identifying where you wish to have the digital sign hung.

  2. Purchasing your hardware.

  3. Contacting Facilities to install your mounting hardware.

  4. Contacting ITS to hang the sign, connect it to wifi, install and configure the signage player, and set up your signage software account.

  5. Learning how to use the signage software.

  6. Designing and deploying your signs.

  7. Enjoying the new signage system.


Step 3

Submit a Mount or Hang Request ticket with Facilities to install digital sign mounting hardware.
(Look for the button with the Hammer Icon)


ITS will hang the display after the mounting hardware has been installed on the wall.

After Steps 1-3 are completed…

Step 4

Submit a General Help Request ticket with ITS for OptiSigns account creation, provisioning, and WiFi setup.

Step 5

Utilize available OptiSigns self-training resources to learn how to create and manage the scheduling of your signage content:

Step 6

Customize Templates and Deploy Signage via your OptiSigns account.

Step 7

Enjoy Your New Digital Signage!


**These steps can be repeated when adding signs to an existing account.

Need Technical Support?

See our Getting Help with Digital Signage article