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Follow these steps to log into your IP Phone for the first time, activate voicemail, and make sure the phone is working properly for incoming and outgoing calls.


Please see the IP Phone - Troubleshooting article if your IP Phone is not in the necessary default state for you to log in to it with your Cal Poly extension.

  1. Using the number pad on your phone, type your 5-digit extension (for example 67310), then choose Enter by pressing the down-arrow keyon the direction pad.
    NOTE: If you have an extension that has the same number twice, pause a second when entering in between those numbers.

    Direction pad on phone with down arrow highlighted.

  2. Next, type your password (10-digit telephone number, for example, 8057567310), then choose Enter by pressing the down arrow key on the direction pad.


Phone Login Password is your full 10-digit phone number NOT your Voice Mailbox Password



Refer to the Voicemail Reference Guide and Quick Reference Guide link links below for help with various voicemail features.IP Phone features.

MITEL MIVOICE 6920 IP PHONE GUIDE (click the image below to view)


MITEL MIVOICE 6910 IP PHONE GUIDE (use the right side scroll bar to browse the pdf below)



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