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Information Technology Management Council


The Information Technology Management Council (ITMC), chaired by the Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer, is responsible for establishing the vision, priority and pace of information technology initiatives within Cal Poly. 

The ITMC advises President Armstrong on technology decisions, including IT guiding principles, business technology needs, IT investments, IT strategy, and policy. In this role of advising on business technology needs and IT investments, ITMC reviews and prioritizes large-scale projects in which technology is the recommended solution.

As information technology enables broad and diverse functions within Cal Poly, the governance structure must enable a broad and diverse perspective of those needs. To gain these insights and be inclusive, the ITMC will be structured to include six workgroups that represent the campus information technology interests. Those workgroups are:

IT Governance Organization Diagram


The ITMC consists of executive-level positions from across campus and workgroup chairs.

Voting Members

  • Bill Britton, Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer (Chair)

  • Cynthia Jackson-Elmoore, Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

  • Cynthia Vizcaino Villa, Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance and Chief Financial Officer

  • Keith Humphrey, Vice President for Student Affairs

  • Jessica Darin, Interim Vice President for University Development

  • Denise Isom, Interim Vice President for Diversity & Inclusion and Chief Diversity Officer

Ex-Officio Members

  • Al Liddicoat, Chair of Administrative Solutions Workgroup 

  • Anthony Palazzo, Chair of Facilities Information Technology Review Board 

  • Sean Hurley, Chair of Learning & Research Technologies Workgroup 

  • Doug Lomsdalen, Chair of Security Workgroup 

  • Estevan Gonzalez, Chair of Student Campus Computing Committee Workgroup 

  • Alison Robinson, Associate Vice President for Information Technology and Deputy Chief Information Officer

Additional attendees may be invited to specific meetings so as to facilitate business. The term of office for membership is one year.

The ITMC meets quarterly or more frequently as needed.


Administrative Solutions Workgroup

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The Administrative Solutions Workgroup reviews and prioritizes technology needs as they pertain to administrative enterprise applications. The workgroup ensures that project efforts align with institutional strategies, timelines and needs.

Chair and Members

  • Al Liddicoat, Academic Affairs (Chair)

  • William Thompson, Academic Affairs

  • Rick Salomon, Student Affairs

  • Craig Nelson, University Development

  • Jessica Darin, Office of the President

  • Andrea Burns, Cal Poly Corporation

  • Alison Robinson, IT Services


The Administrative Solutions Workgroup meets monthly or more frequently as needed.

Data Governance Workgroup

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The Data Governance Workgroup advises the ITMC on plans and strategies that enable Cal Poly to acquire, manage, analyze, share and govern all university data, regardless of source, use and media.

Chair and Members

  • Chair (TBD)

  • Rick Salomon, Student Affairs

  • Craig Nelson, University Development

  • David Valadez, Budget and Finance

  • Cem Sunata, Registrar

  • Terrance Harris, Admissions

  • Gerrie Hatten, Financial Aid

  • Margie Coolidge, Human Resources

  • Mauricio Saavedra, Institutional Research

  • Melinda Rojo, IT Services


The Data Governance Workgroup meets monthly or more frequently as needed.

Facilities Information Technology Review Board

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The Facilities Information Technology Review Board (FITRB) is comprised of ITS and Facilities Management and Development, partnering to address work resourcing, improve alignment of operations, and facilitate joint project management. In doing so, FITRB will improve and accelerate project delivery at Cal Poly. FITRB will work to deliver robust information to decision makers on the highest priority, university-wide goals, and work to save time and money.

Chair and Members

  • Anthony Palazzo, Facilities Planning and Capital Projects (Chair)

  • Doug Roberts, IT Services

  • Vince Hunter, IT Services

  • Kyle Gustafson, IT Services

  • Ryan Jones, IT Services

  • Rick Salomon, Student Affairs

  • Joe Borzellino, Academic Programs and Planning

  • Curtis McNally, Facilities Planning

Meetings and Meeting Notes

FITRB meets bi-weekly on Wednesdays or more frequently as needed.

Learning & Research Technology Workgroup

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The Learning & Research Technology Workgroup advises the ITMC on the plan and strategies for enterprise learning and research technology systems and services across Cal Poly. The workgroup advocates the adoption of new learning technology solutions and recommends when upgrades or decommissioning of current systems are needed.

Chair and Members

  • Sean Hurley, College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Science (Chair)

  • Patrick O'Sullivan, Center for Teaching, Learning & Technology

  • Andrew Kline, College of Architecture & Environmental Design

  • Yongcheng Zhan, Orfalea College of Business

  • Scott Hazelwood, College of Engineering

  • Bruno Ribeiro, College of Liberal Arts

  • John Jasbinsek, College of Science & Mathematics

  • Heather Cribbs, Kennedy Library

  • Jesse Vestermark, Academic Senate - Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities Committee

  • Trish Brock, Director of Research Integrity & Compliance

  • Alison Robinson, Associate Vice President for Information Technology and Deputy Chief Information Officer

Meetings and Meeting Notes

Triannual meetings will be scheduled to coincide with ITS work planning and resourcing cycles.  If additional meetings are necessary, the committee Chair is empowered to convene a meeting.

October 14, 2022
January 20, 2023 Canceled
May 5, 2023

Information Security Workgroup

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The Security Workgroup is comprised of the Information Security Coordinators (ISC) appointed by the appropriate College Dean or Administrative area Vice President. Members of the Security Workgroup provide management oversight of information security within their respective areas and communicate security concerns directly with their faculty/staff.

Chair and Members

  • Douglas Lomsdalen, IT Services (Chair)

  • Kelly Sebastian, Office of the President

  • Cheryl May, Academic Affairs

  • Margie Coolidge, Human Resources & Academic Personnel

  • Joe Borzellino, Strategic Enrollment Management 

  • Lori Serna, Administration and Finance

  • Trish Brock, Research, Economic Development, and Graduate Education

  • Rick Salomon, Student Affairs & Associated Students

  • Joan Pedersen, University Communication and Marketing

  • Craig Nelson, University Development

  • Matthew Ryan, Cal Poly Corporation

  • Christopher Lupo, College of Engineering

  • Jennifer Ann Boncich, College of Agriculture, Food and Environmental Sciences

  • Josh Machamer, College of Liberal Arts

  • Emily Taylor, College of Science and Mathematics

  • Kristy Cutter-Rogers, Orfalea College of Business

  • James Mwangi, College of Architecture and Environmental Design

  • Alison Robinson, IT Services

  • Arthur Huebner, ITS Client Services, Zone A

  • Vince Hunter, ITS Client Services, Zone B

  • Andrew Kersten, ITS Client Services Zone C

  • Michael Salmon (Interim), ITS Client Services, Zone D

Meetings and Meeting Notes

The Information Security Workgroup meets quarterly or more frequently as needed. Meeting times vary.

2024 Meeting Minutes

  • April 5, 2024 (next scheduled meeting)

2023 Meeting Minutes

 Click to view list of 2023 meeting minutes (.pdf)

2022 Meeting Minutes

 Click to view list of 2022 meeting minutes (.pdf)

2021 Meeting Minutes

 Click to view list of 2021 meeting minutes (.pdf)

 2020 Meeting Minutes

 Click to view list of 2020 meeting minutes (.pdf)

Student Campus Computing Committee

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The Student Campus Computing Committee (SC3) advises on operational, planning and policy matters from a student perspective. This workgroup provides the student body with a formal means for advocating and identifying their technology needs to enable success in learning. 

Chair and Members

  • Estevan Gonzalez, College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Science (Chair)

  • John Drake, College of Liberal Arts

  • Sol Otero, Orfalea College of Business

  • Ben Hinchliff, College of Engineering

  • Bradley E. Atnip, College of Architecture and Environmental Design

  • Natalie Trane, Kennedy Library

  • Varenya Gupta, ASI Student Representative

  • Nick Androski, College of Science and Math

  • Catalina Vasquez, Graduate Student

  • Alison Robinson, Associate Vice President for Information Technology and Deputy Chief Information Officer


Triannual meetings will be scheduled to coincide with ITS work planning and resourcing cycles.  If additional meetings are necessary, the committee Chair is empowered to convene a meeting.

October 11, 2022
January 17, 2023 Canceled
May 2, 2023

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