Filter a PolyData Dashboards dataset using a dashboard prompt. Nearly all dashboards contain prompts that can be used to further filter dashboard data. Prompts are designed according to requested requirements and specifications given during the development of the dashboard, therefore, prompt options and defaults may differ between dashboards.
- Open a dashboard.
- Generally, prompts are located in the top section of the dashboard page. Each prompt corresponds to a variable that can be filtered. Click on the arrow then check the values you would like to select. Note: This dashboard prompt has default values set. They are automatically applied when the dashboard is opened.
- Click the Apply button.
Prompt Types
- Single-select
- Multi-select prompts
- All Columns Values
- When nothing is selected, all values will be queried. For example, below all College, Dept, and Major values will be queried.
- The Search... option in the drop-down provides you with more advanced options to search and select attribute values. Click on Search... to open the "Select Values" dialog box. Within the dialog box, you may search for values based on Starts With, Contains, Ends" or is Like (pattern match) characters. Click OK to confirm your value selections then Apply the dashboard prompt.
- The Match Case checkbox in the Search... dialog box should be unchecked. This allows you to search values without case sensitivity.
- Dashboards may have multiple sections of prompts. Be sure to hit the Apply button one section at a time for best results. For example, the selections in the Faculty Detail Prompt should be applied before the selections in the Job Function prompt. In some cases, prompt values may be filtered as other prompts are selected. For example, if the "College of Science & Mathematics" is selected for the college prompt (Acad Org Level3 Ldescr), only relevant department values within the College of Science & Mathematics would appear in the department prompt (Acad Org Level4 Ldescr).
- Each dashboard prompt has a Reset button which can revert the prompt selections to their default values or the last applied values.
- Some dashboards include many prompt options. In order to access them all, you must click the Next button. Once you have clicked Next, click the Previous button to return to the first set of prompt options.