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Microsoft Stream (Classic) Deprecation FAQs

What changes are happening to Microsoft Stream and when will this occur?

For the past year, Microsoft has been asking people to migrate their videos from their old Microsoft Stream (Classic) service to their new service, called Stream (on Sharepoint)
Microsoft Stream Classic will be completely disabled on April 15, 2024.

How will it impact me?

Videos you have left in Microsoft Stream (Classic) will no longer be accessible.

What action do I need to take?

If you have not downloaded the videos in Microsoft Stream (Classic) you wish to keep, please do so now.

Cal Poly ITS will be unable to recover any videos in Stream Classic after April 15th.

How do I download my videos?

To download your videos:

  1. Log into the Cal Poly Portal.

  2. Under My Apps choose Email & Calendar.

  3. In the upper left corner, click on the App Launcher Grid and select Stream from the list. 

If you do not see Stream in your list of apps, click the Explore all your apps link at the bottom of the app list to see everything available to you.

  1. To switch to the Stream (Classic) version, look for the following banner at the top of the page and click Stream Classic.



  2. Find your videos under My Content > Videos. 



  3. Click the ellipsis (…) at the right end of the video box and choose Download video.

Where should I store my downloaded videos?

Once you have downloaded the videos you wish to keep, you can upload them to a OneDrive folder or SharePoint site.  Microsoft has incorporated the video player tools directly into OneDrive and SharePoint, so many video formats can be played right from a Shared OneDrive folder or SharePoint Document library.

How can I get assistance with migrating my videos to OneDrive?

For those with many videos they wish to keep, we have a migration tool to move them to your OneDrive.  Please submit an ITS Help Request if you would like assistance with your migration.  . 


  • Setting up and running a migration will take about 30 minutes: a migration will generally not be offered for accounts with less than 30 videos, as manually downloading those videos would likely be much faster

  • The migration tool does not copy all the metadata associated with the videos. Only critical metadata is transferred: Title, Description, Thumbnails, Transcripts and Permissions.

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