Just like Email & Calendar, every Cal Poly student, faculty and staff receives a OneDrive account with 5 terabytes of cloud storage. OneDrive is an app in the Office 365 suite that allows users to upload and share files, and create and edit Microsoft Word and Excel documents via web browser, mobile or desktop app. Faculty and staff also have access to SharePoint, Microsoft’s cloud storage and sharing app for teams. SharePoint document libraries enable collaboration by allowing teams and departments to seamlessly share and manage content. Both OneDrive and SharePoint allow multiple people to work on a document in real-time, providing automatic versioning and document history. OneDrive and SharePoint are approved for the storage of Cal Poly Level 1 data (with the exception of payment card data and protected health information). Level 1 data is not permitted to be shared outside of the university. Learn More.


  1. Go to office.com, log in using your Cal Poly email address and password.
  2. Click the OneDrive  icon or SharePoint  icon.

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