Go to software.calpoly.eduand login with your Cal Poly account. If you have not set up your computer to use the Software hub visit this Quickstart guide. Use the Search Apps field located at the top of the page to search for "SolidWorks". You should see the edition that is applicable to your user account at Cal Poly listed in the search results. Select the SolidWorks logo icon to expand a more detailed view. You will need to view these detailed notes/info to install SolidWorks. Download SolidWorks. For the Education Edition (faculty/staff), click the dropdown arrow, then click Download. Image Removed Image AddedNavigate to your local Downloads folder, locate and double-click the solidworks_win file. Check the box to select the SolidWorks folder, Click the Extract tab, then click Extract all. Image Removed Image AddedCheck the Show extracted files when complete box, then click the Extract button. Open the SolidWorks folder, then double-click the SolidWorksSetup file. Click the Yes button. Click the Unzip button. Then click OK. Click OK again. Under the Specify type of installation field, click Install on this computer, then click Next. Image Removed Image AddedEnter the Serial Number in the spaces provided, then click Next. Only SOLIDWORKS should be selected.
Info |
You will find the serial number listed in the License_Information text file included in the SolidWorks folder that was referenced in step 8. If you are prompted to choose a newer version of the software, choose No. |
 Accept the terms at the bottom, then press Download and Install. Image Removed Image AddedThe SolidWorks license Installation manager will appear. Enter the Port@ server in the space provided, then click OK.
Info |
You will find the Cal Poly Port@ server listed in the License_Information text file included in the SolidWorks folder that was referenced in step 8. |
If you receive a message about verifying the server, click Yes to continue. 
The installer screen will indicate the downloading and installing progress while you wait. You will see Installation is Complete when done, click the Finish button.
Image Removed Image Added SolidWorks is now installed and activated on your device.