Agreement Name |
Message |
Cc |
Send Options |
Send Options |
Send Options |
All document titles must be unique.
All documents must be set with a Template Type of “Both” or “Reusable document”.
All library documents selected must be owned by or shared with the sending account.
Documents are shown on the PowerForm with the "Document Title" unless one file is selected and it is required.
Multiple documents can be added to a single Workflow. Per row configuration:
If no file is selected:
It will allow the end-user to upload a file which becomes part of the agreement and must be less than 6MB.
If "Required" is checked the end-user will be required to upload a file before they can submit the PowerForm.
If only one file is selected:
If required, the document will not appear on the PowerForm.
If not required, a drop-down will appear on the PowerForm with a drop-down list that contain "-- None --" and the "Document Name".
If more than one file is selected:
It will be shown on the PowerForm as a drop-down with each file's "Document Name" (in alphabetical order).
If required, "-- Select a document --" is shown at the top of the drop-down list and one of the files must be selected before the end-user can submit the PowerForm.
If not required, "-- None --" is shown at the top of the drop-down list.
What is the purpose of Sender Input Fields?
To supply settings to the PowerForm application:
WFSetting_SendingAccount - Required for all workflows used via the PowerForm App
As “merge fields” which can be used for:
Variable replacements in the "Agreement Name", "Message", and “Private Message” fields of the Workflow Designer
Pre-filling form fields on documents
See the "Sender Input Fields" section of the Adobe Sign webpage for more information: Creating a custom workflow
Confirm the PowerForm service account - adobesign@calpoly.edu - is a member of the group the templates and workflow are shared with.
Open a new browser window or tab and enter the following URL: https://adobesign.calpoly.edu/PowerForm/
Open Adobe Sign and navigate to your workflowand copy the “ID”.
Add the ID from Step 3 to the end of the URL from Step 2 to create your PowerForm URL.
Publish the PowerForm URL when testing is complete for your intended audience.
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