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To view list members, click on


the Subscribers option. If a member has opted to set their visibility to Conceal, their entry will not be seen when viewing the list Subscribers.

Contacting the List Owner

To contact the list owner, an email can be sent to the Cal Poly username associated


with Owners. In addition, right-click on


the Contact owners to copy the list email address which can then be used to send an email.

Subscriber Options

To change subscription options for a particular list, click on the list in the My Lists menu and


select Subscriber Options. Options include the following:

  1. Name

  2. Receiving Mode


  1.  – the manner in which a message sent to the list is delivered to the subscriber.  The list of available modes is set by the list owner; only some of the modes might be available for specific lists.  Of the modes listed, these are commonly used:

    • standard - Direct reception

    • not_me - You do not receive your own posts


  1. Visibility - information displayed when clicking on


  1. the Subscribers


  1.  option

    • Concealed


    •  – a user’s email address and name


    • will not


    •  be visible.

    • Listed in the Subscribers


    • Page – a user’s email address and name will be visible.


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